STEM tutorials

Stationary load on a 3D field

This tutorial shows step by step guide on how to set up a line load on top of an embankment with two soil layers underneath, in a 3D model.

First the necessary packages are imported and paths are defined.

input_files_dir = "line_load"
results_dir = "output_line_load"

from stem.model import Model
from stem.soil_material import OnePhaseSoil, LinearElasticSoil, SoilMaterial, SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw
from stem.load import LineLoad
from stem.boundary import DisplacementConstraint
from stem.solver import AnalysisType, SolutionType, TimeIntegration, DisplacementConvergenceCriteria,\
     NewtonRaphsonStrategy, NewmarkScheme, Amgcl, StressInitialisationType, SolverSettings, Problem
from stem.output import NodalOutput, VtkOutputParameters, Output
from stem.stem import Stem

For setting up the model, Model class is imported from stem.model. And for setting up the soil material, OnePhaseSoil, LinearElasticSoil, SoilMaterial, SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw classes are imported. In this case, there is a line load on top of the embankment. LineLoad class is imported from stem.load. As for setting the boundary conditions, DisplacementConstraint class is imported from stem.boundary. For setting up the solver settings, necessary classes are imported from stem.solver. Classes needed for the output, are NodalOutput, VtkOutputParameters and Output which are imported from stem.output. Lastly, Stem class is imported from stem.stem, in order to run the simulation.

In this step, the geometry, conditions, and material parameters for the simulation is defined. First the dimension of the model is indicated which in this case is 3. After which the model can be initialised.

ndim = 3
model = Model(ndim)

Specification of the soil material is defined afterwards. The bottom soil layer is defined as a material with the name “soil_1”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2650 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 30e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_1 = 2650
porosity_1 = 0.3
young_modulus_1 = 30e6
poisson_ratio_1 = 0.2
soil_formulation_1 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_1, POROSITY=porosity_1)
constitutive_law_1 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_1, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_1)
retention_parameters_1 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_soil_1 = SoilMaterial("soil_1", soil_formulation_1, constitutive_law_1, retention_parameters_1)

The second soil layer is defined as a material with the name “soil_2”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2550 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 30e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_2 = 2550
porosity_2 = 0.3
young_modulus_2 = 30e6
poisson_ratio_2 = 0.2
soil_formulation_2 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_2, POROSITY=porosity_2)
constitutive_law_2 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_2, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_2)
retention_parameters_2 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_soil_2 = SoilMaterial("soil_2", soil_formulation_2, constitutive_law_2, retention_parameters_2)

The embankment layer on top is defined as a material with the name “embankment”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2650 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 10e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_3 = 2650
porosity_3 = 0.3
young_modulus_3 = 10e6
poisson_ratio_3 = 0.2
soil_formulation_3 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_3, POROSITY=porosity_3)
constitutive_law_3 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_3, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_3)
retention_parameters_3 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_embankment = SoilMaterial("embankment", soil_formulation_3, constitutive_law_3, retention_parameters_3)

The coordinates of the model are defined in the following way. Each of the layers are defined by a list of coordinates, defined in th x-y plane. For 3D models, the x-y plane can be extruded in the z-direction. In this case, the extrusion length is 50 m in the z-direction.

soil1_coordinates = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)]
soil2_coordinates = [(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (5.0, 1.0, 0.0), (5.0, 2.0, 0.0), (0.0, 2.0, 0.0)]
embankment_coordinates = [(0.0, 2.0, 0.0), (3.0, 2.0, 0.0), (1.5, 3.0, 0.0), (0.75, 3.0, 0.0), (0, 3.0, 0.0)]
model.extrusion_length = 50

The geometry is shown in the figures below.

_images/embankment_1.png _images/embankment_2.png

The soil layers are then added to the model in the following way. It is important that all soil layers have a unique name.

model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(soil1_coordinates, material_soil_1, "soil_layer_1")
model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(soil2_coordinates, material_soil_2, "soil_layer_2")
model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(embankment_coordinates, material_embankment, "embankment_layer")

For the line load, LineLoad class is called. The load is defined following a list of coordinates. In this case, a line load is applied along the load coordinates. The line load can be defined along which axis is active, and the value of the load for each axis. In this case the load is only active in the y-direction and the value of the -1000.

load_coordinates = [(0.75, 3.0, 0.0), (0.75, 3.0, 50.0)]
line_load = LineLoad(active=[False, True, False], value=[0, -1000, 0])
model.add_load_by_coordinates(load_coordinates, line_load, "line_load")

The boundary conditions are defined on geometry ids, which are created by gmsh when making the geometry. Gmsh will assign an id to each of the points, lines, surfaces and volumes created. The geometry ids can be seen after using the show_geometry function.

This function is only used for visualisation of the geometry ids after creation of the geometry, to be able to see the geometry ids issued by gmsh, and to know which ids belong to each boundary conditions. For visualisation of surface ids, “show_surface_ids” should be set to “True”. Also for visualisation of line ids, “show_line_ids” and for visualisation of point ids, “show_point_ids” should be set to “True”.



The geometry ids can be seen in the pictures below.


Below the boundary conditions are defined. The base of the model is fixed in all directions with the name “base_fixed”. The roller boundary condition is applied on the sides of the embankment with the name “sides_roller”. The boundary conditions are added to the model on the edge surfaces, i.e. the boundary conditions are applied to a list of surface ids (which can be visualised using: “model.show_geometry(show_surface_ids=True)”) with the corresponding dimension, “2”.

no_displacement_parameters = DisplacementConstraint(active=[True, True, True],
                                                    is_fixed=[True, True, True], value=[0, 0, 0])
roller_displacement_parameters = DisplacementConstraint(active=[True, True, True],
                                                        is_fixed=[True, False, True], value=[0, 0, 0])

model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [1], no_displacement_parameters, "base_fixed")
model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17],
                                             roller_displacement_parameters, "sides_roller")

After which the mesh size can be set. The element size for the mesh can be defined as a single value, the mesh will be generated when the Stem class is initialised.


Now that the geometry is defined, the solver settings of the model has to be set. The analysis type is set to “MECHANICAL” and the solution type is set to “DYNAMIC”. Then the start time is set to 0.0 second and the end time is set to 0.099 second. The time step size is set to 0.01 second. Furthermore, the reduction factor and increase factor are set to 1.0, such that the time step size is constant throughout the simulation. Displacement convergence criteria is set to 1.0e-4 for the relative tolerance and 1.0e-9 for the absolute tolerance. Newton-Raphson is used as a solving strategy. And Newmark is used as an integration method. Amgcl is used as a linear solver. Stresses are not initialised since the “stress_initialisation_type” is set to “NONE”. Other options are “StressInitialisationType.GRAVITY_LOADING” and “StressInitialisationType.K0_PROCEDURE”. Since the problem is linear elastic, the stiffness matrix is constant and the mass and damping matrices are constant, defining the matrices as constant will speed up the computation. Rayleigh damping is assumed, with a damping coefficient of 0.12 for the stiffness matrix and 0.0001 for the mass matrix.

analysis_type = AnalysisType.MECHANICAL
solution_type = SolutionType.DYNAMIC
# Set up start and end time of calculation, time step and etc
time_integration = TimeIntegration(start_time=0.0, end_time=0.099, delta_time=0.01, reduction_factor=1.0,
convergence_criterion = DisplacementConvergenceCriteria(displacement_relative_tolerance=1.0e-4,
strategy_type = NewtonRaphsonStrategy()
scheme_type = NewmarkScheme()
linear_solver_settings = Amgcl()
stress_initialisation_type = StressInitialisationType.NONE
solver_settings = SolverSettings(analysis_type=analysis_type, solution_type=solution_type,
                                 is_stiffness_matrix_constant=True, are_mass_and_damping_constant=True,
                                 strategy_type=strategy_type, scheme=scheme_type,
                                 linear_solver_settings=linear_solver_settings, rayleigh_k=0.12,

Now the problem data should be set up. The problem should be given a name, in this case it is “calculate_load_on_embankment_3d”. Then the solver settings are added to the problem.

# Set up problem data
problem = Problem(problem_name="calculate_load_on_embankment_3d", number_of_threads=1,
model.project_parameters = problem

Before starting the calculation, it is required to specify why output is desired. In this case, displacement, velocity and acceleration is given on the nodes and written to the output file. In this test case, gauss point results are left empty.

nodal_results = [NodalOutput.DISPLACEMENT, NodalOutput.VELOCITY, NodalOutput.ACCELERATION]
gauss_point_results = []

The output process is added to the model using the Model.add_output_settings method. The results will be then written to the output directory in vtk format. In this case, the output interval is set to 1 and the output control type is set to “step”, meaning that the results will be written every time step.


Now that the model is set up, the calculation is almost ready to be ran.

Firstly the Stem class is initialised, with the model and the directory where the input files will be written to. While initialising the Stem class, the mesh will be generated.

stem = Stem(model, input_files_dir)

The Kratos input files are then written. The project settings and output definitions are written to ProjectParameters_stage_1.json file. The mesh is written to the .mdpa file and the material parameters are written to the MaterialParameters_stage_1.json file. All of the input files are then written to the input files directory.


The calculation is then ran by calling the run_calculation function within the stem class.


Moving load on an embankment in 3D

This tutorial shows step by step guide on how to set up a moving load on top of an embankment with two soil layers underneath, in a 3D model.

First the necessary packages are imported and paths are defined.

input_files_dir = "moving_load"
results_dir = "output_moving_load"

from stem.model import Model
from stem.soil_material import OnePhaseSoil, LinearElasticSoil, SoilMaterial, SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw
from stem.load import MovingLoad
from stem.boundary import DisplacementConstraint
from stem.solver import AnalysisType, SolutionType, TimeIntegration, DisplacementConvergenceCriteria,\
     NewtonRaphsonStrategy, NewmarkScheme, Amgcl, StressInitialisationType, SolverSettings, Problem
from stem.output import NodalOutput, VtkOutputParameters, Output
from stem.stem import Stem

For setting up the model, Model class is imported from stem.model. And for setting up the soil material, OnePhaseSoil, LinearElasticSoil, SoilMaterial, SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw classes are imported. In this case, there is a moving load on top of the embankment. MovingLoad class is imported from stem.load. As for setting the boundary conditions, DisplacementConstraint class is imported from stem.boundary. For setting up the solver settings, necessary classes are imported from stem.solver. Classes needed for the output, are NodalOutput, VtkOutputParameters and Output which are imported from stem.output. Lastly, Stem class is imported from stem.stem, in order to run the simulation.

In this step, the geometry, conditions, and material parameters for the simulation is defined. First the dimension of the model is indicated which in this case is 3. After which the model can be initialised.

ndim = 3
model = Model(ndim)

Specification of the soil material is defined afterwards. The bottom soil layer is defined as a material with the name “soil_1”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2650 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 30e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_1 = 2650
porosity_1 = 0.3
young_modulus_1 = 30e6
poisson_ratio_1 = 0.2
soil_formulation_1 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_1, POROSITY=porosity_1)
constitutive_law_1 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_1, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_1)
retention_parameters_1 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_soil_1 = SoilMaterial("soil_1", soil_formulation_1, constitutive_law_1, retention_parameters_1)

The second soil layer is defined as a material with the name “soil_2”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2550 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 30e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_2 = 2550
porosity_2 = 0.3
young_modulus_2 = 30e6
poisson_ratio_2 = 0.2
soil_formulation_2 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_2, POROSITY=porosity_2)
constitutive_law_2 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_2, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_2)
retention_parameters_2 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_soil_2 = SoilMaterial("soil_2", soil_formulation_2, constitutive_law_2, retention_parameters_2)

The embankment layer on top is defined as a material with the name “embankment”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2650 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 10e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_3 = 2650
porosity_3 = 0.3
young_modulus_3 = 10e6
poisson_ratio_3 = 0.2
soil_formulation_3 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_3, POROSITY=porosity_3)
constitutive_law_3 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_3, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_3)
retention_parameters_3 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_embankment = SoilMaterial("embankment", soil_formulation_3, constitutive_law_3, retention_parameters_3)

The coordinates of the model are defined in the following way. Each of the layers are defined by a list of coordinates, defined in th x-y plane. For 3D models, the x-y plane can be extruded in the z-direction. In this case, the extrusion length is 50 m in the z-direction.

soil1_coordinates = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)]
soil2_coordinates = [(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (5.0, 1.0, 0.0), (5.0, 2.0, 0.0), (0.0, 2.0, 0.0)]
embankment_coordinates = [(0.0, 2.0, 0.0), (3.0, 2.0, 0.0), (1.5, 3.0, 0.0), (0.75, 3.0, 0.0), (0, 3.0, 0.0)]
model.extrusion_length = 50

The geometry is shown in the figures below.

_images/embankment_1.png _images/embankment_2.png

The soil layers are then added to the model in the following way. It is important that all soil layers have a unique name.

model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(soil1_coordinates, material_soil_1, "soil_layer_1")
model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(soil2_coordinates, material_soil_2, "soil_layer_2")
model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(embankment_coordinates, material_embankment, "embankment_layer")

For the moving load, MovingLoad class is called. The load is defined following a list of coordinates. In this case, a moving load is applied on a line with a 0.75 meter distance from the x-axis on top of the embankment. The velocity of the moving load is 30 m/s and the load is 10 kN/m in the y-direction. The load moves in positive directions and the load starts at coordinates: [0.75, 3.0, 0.0].

load_coordinates = [(0.75, 3.0, 0.0), (0.75, 3.0, 50.0)]
moving_load = MovingLoad(load=[0.0, -10000.0, 0.0], direction=[1, 1, 1], velocity=30, origin=[0.75, 3.0, 0.0],
model.add_load_by_coordinates(load_coordinates, moving_load, "moving_load")

The boundary conditions are defined on geometry ids, which are created by gmsh when making the geometry. Gmsh will assign an id to each of the points, lines, surfaces and volumes created. The geometry ids can be seen after using the show_geometry function.

This function is only used for visualisation of the geometry ids after creation of the geometry, to be able to see the geometry ids issued by gmsh, and to know which ids belong to each boundary conditions. For visualisation of surface ids, “show_surface_ids” should be set to “True”. Also for visualisation of line ids, “show_line_ids” and for visualisation of point ids, “show_point_ids” should be set to “True”.



The geometry ids can be seen in the pictures below.


Below the boundary conditions are defined. The base of the model is fixed in all directions with the name “base_fixed”. The roller boundary condition is applied on the sides of the embankment with the name “sides_roller”. The boundary conditions are added to the model on the edge surfaces, i.e. the boundary conditions are applied to a list of surface ids (which can be visualised using: “model.show_geometry(show_surface_ids=True)”) with the corresponding dimension, “2”.

no_displacement_parameters = DisplacementConstraint(active=[True, True, True],
                                                    is_fixed=[True, True, True], value=[0, 0, 0])
roller_displacement_parameters = DisplacementConstraint(active=[True, True, True],
                                                        is_fixed=[True, False, True], value=[0, 0, 0])

model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [1], no_displacement_parameters, "base_fixed")
model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17],
                                             roller_displacement_parameters, "sides_roller")

After which the mesh size can be set. The element size for the mesh can be defined as a single value, the mesh will be generated when the Stem class is initialised.


Now that the geometry is defined, the solver settings of the model has to be set. The analysis type is set to “MECHANICAL” and the solution type is set to “DYNAMIC”. Then the start time is set to 0.0 second and the end time is set to 1.5 second. The time step size is set to 0.01 second. Furthermore, the reduction factor and increase factor are set to 1.0, such that the time step size is constant throughout the simulation. Displacement convergence criteria is set to 1.0e-4 for the relative tolerance and 1.0e-9 for the absolute tolerance. Newton-Raphson is used as a solving strategy. And Newmark is used as an integration method. Amgcl is used as a linear solver. Stresses are not initialised since the “stress_initialisation_type” is set to “NONE”. Other options are “StressInitialisationType.GRAVITY_LOADING” and “StressInitialisationType.K0_PROCEDURE”. Since the problem is linear elastic, the stiffness matrix is constant and the mass and damping matrices are constant, defining the matrices as constant will speed up the computation. Rayleigh damping is assumed, with a damping coefficient of 0.12 for the stiffness matrix and 0.0001 for the mass matrix.

analysis_type = AnalysisType.MECHANICAL
solution_type = SolutionType.DYNAMIC
# Set up start and end time of calculation, time step and etc
time_integration = TimeIntegration(start_time=0.0, end_time=1.5, delta_time=0.01, reduction_factor=1.0,
convergence_criterion = DisplacementConvergenceCriteria(displacement_relative_tolerance=1.0e-4,
strategy_type = NewtonRaphsonStrategy()
scheme_type = NewmarkScheme()
linear_solver_settings = Amgcl()
stress_initialisation_type = StressInitialisationType.NONE
solver_settings = SolverSettings(analysis_type=analysis_type, solution_type=solution_type,
                                 is_stiffness_matrix_constant=True, are_mass_and_damping_constant=True,
                                 strategy_type=strategy_type, scheme=scheme_type,
                                 linear_solver_settings=linear_solver_settings, rayleigh_k=0.12,

Now the problem data should be set up. The problem should be given a name, in this case it is “calculate_moving_load_on_embankment_3d”. Then the solver settings are added to the problem.

# Set up problem data
problem = Problem(problem_name="calculate_moving_load_on_embankment_3d", number_of_threads=1,
model.project_parameters = problem

Before starting the calculation, it is required to specify why output is desired. In this case, displacement, velocity and acceleration is given on the nodes and written to the output file. In this test case, gauss point results are left empty.

nodal_results = [NodalOutput.DISPLACEMENT, NodalOutput.VELOCITY, NodalOutput.ACCELERATION]
gauss_point_results = []

The output process is added to the model using the Model.add_output_settings method. The results will be then written to the output directory in vtk format. In this case, the output interval is set to 1 and the output control type is set to “step”, meaning that the results will be written every time step.


Now that the model is set up, the calculation is almost ready to be ran.

Firstly the Stem class is initialised, with the model and the directory where the input files will be written to. While initialising the Stem class, the mesh will be generated.

stem = Stem(model, input_files_dir)

The Kratos input files are then written. The project settings and output definitions are written to ProjectParameters_stage_1.json file. The mesh is written to the .mdpa file and the material parameters are written to the MaterialParameters_stage_1.json file. All of the input files are then written to the input files directory.


The calculation is then ran by calling the run_calculation function within the stem class.


Train model (UVEC) on track and embankment in 3D

This tutorial shows step by step guide on how to set up a train model on top of track on an embankment with two soil layers underneath, in a 3D model. The UVEC (User defined VEhiCle model) is a model used to represent a train as dynamic loads on the system.

In order to use the UVEC, before all the packages are imported, the directory where the UVEC source code is located should be appended to the python paths. This is required such that the imports within the UVEC source code can be found. Again, note that it is important that this is done before importing the stem packages.

import sys
uvec_module_path = r"benchmark_tests/test_train_uvec_3d"

After the path of the UVEC module is added, the necessary packages are imported and paths are defined where the input input and output files will be located.

input_files_dir = "uvec_train_model"
results_dir = "output_uvec_train_model"

from stem.model import Model
from stem.soil_material import OnePhaseSoil, LinearElasticSoil, SoilMaterial, SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw
from stem.structural_material import ElasticSpringDamper, NodalConcentrated
from stem.default_materials import DefaultMaterial
from stem.load import MovingLoad, UvecLoad
from stem.boundary import DisplacementConstraint, AbsorbingBoundary
from stem.additional_processes import ParameterFieldParameters
from stem.field_generator import RandomFieldGenerator
from stem.solver import AnalysisType, SolutionType, TimeIntegration, DisplacementConvergenceCriteria,\
     NewtonRaphsonStrategy, NewmarkScheme, Amgcl, StressInitialisationType, SolverSettings, Problem
from stem.output import NodalOutput, VtkOutputParameters, Output, JsonOutputParameters
from stem.stem import Stem

For setting up the model, Model class is imported from stem.model. And for setting up the soil material, OnePhaseSoil, LinearElasticSoil, SoilMaterial, SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw classes are imported. In this tutorial, a train model load (modelled using the UVEC) is used on top of a track. For this purpose, the ElasticSpringDamper and NodalConcentrated classes are imported from stem.structural_material, the UvecLoad class is imported from stem.load.

To define the default rail properties, the DefaultMaterial class is imported. As for setting the boundary conditions, the DisplacementConstraint class and the AbsorbingBoundary class are imported from stem.boundary. For setting up the solver settings, necessary classes are imported from stem.solver. Classes needed for the output, are NodalOutput, VtkOutputParameters and Output which are imported from stem.output. Lastly, the Stem class is imported from stem.stem, in order to run the simulation.

In this tutorial, a random field is also added on the soil layers. For this the classes ParameterFieldParameters is imported from stem.additional_processes and RandomFieldGenerator is imported from stem.field_generator.

In this step, the geometry, conditions, and material parameters for the simulation are defined. Firstly the dimension of the model is indicated which in this case is 3. After which the model can be initialised.

ndim = 3
model = Model(ndim)

Specification of the soil material is defined afterwards. The bottom soil layer is defined as a material with the name “soil_1”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2650 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 30e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_1 = 2650
porosity_1 = 0.3
young_modulus_1 = 30e6
poisson_ratio_1 = 0.2
soil_formulation_1 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_1, POROSITY=porosity_1)
constitutive_law_1 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_1, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_1)
retention_parameters_1 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_soil_1 = SoilMaterial("soil_1", soil_formulation_1, constitutive_law_1, retention_parameters_1)

The second soil layer is defined as a material with the name “soil_2”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2550 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 30e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_2 = 2550
porosity_2 = 0.3
young_modulus_2 = 30e6
poisson_ratio_2 = 0.2
soil_formulation_2 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_2, POROSITY=porosity_2)
constitutive_law_2 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_2, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_2)
retention_parameters_2 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_soil_2 = SoilMaterial("soil_2", soil_formulation_2, constitutive_law_2, retention_parameters_2)

The embankment layer on top is defined as a material with the name “embankment”. It’s a Linear elastic material model with the solid density (rho) of 2650 kg/m3, the Young’s modulus is 10e6 Pa and the Poisson’s ratio is 0.2. The soil is dry above the phreatic level and wet below the phreatic level. A porosity of 0.3 is specified. The soil is a one-phase soil, meaning that the flow of water through the soil is not computed.

solid_density_3 = 2650
porosity_3 = 0.3
young_modulus_3 = 10e6
poisson_ratio_3 = 0.2
soil_formulation_3 = OnePhaseSoil(ndim, IS_DRAINED=True, DENSITY_SOLID=solid_density_3, POROSITY=porosity_3)
constitutive_law_3 = LinearElasticSoil(YOUNG_MODULUS=young_modulus_3, POISSON_RATIO=poisson_ratio_3)
retention_parameters_3 = SaturatedBelowPhreaticLevelLaw()
material_embankment = SoilMaterial("embankment", soil_formulation_3, constitutive_law_3, retention_parameters_3)

For the rails, default properties of a 54E1 rail profile are used. Other rail profiles for which default material properties are provided are: the 46E3 and 60E1 rail profiles. The rail pads are modelled by means of elastic spring dampers while the sleepers are modelled using nodal concentrated masses.

rail_parameters = DefaultMaterial.Rail_54E1_3D.value.material_parameters
rail_pad_parameters = ElasticSpringDamper(NODAL_DISPLACEMENT_STIFFNESS=[0, 750e6, 0],
                                          NODAL_ROTATIONAL_STIFFNESS=[0, 0, 0],
                                          NODAL_DAMPING_COEFFICIENT=[0, 750e3, 0], # damping coefficient [Ns/m]
                                          NODAL_ROTATIONAL_DAMPING_COEFFICIENT=[0, 0, 0])
sleeper_parameters = NodalConcentrated(NODAL_DISPLACEMENT_STIFFNESS=[0, 0, 0],
                                       NODAL_DAMPING_COEFFICIENT=[0, 0, 0])

The coordinates of the model are defined in the following way. Each of the layers are defined by a list of coordinates, defined in th x-y plane. For 3D models, the x-y plane can be extruded in the z-direction. In this case, the extrusion length is 50 m in the z-direction.

soil1_coordinates = [(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 0.0, 0.0), (5.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)]
soil2_coordinates = [(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (5.0, 1.0, 0.0), (5.0, 2.0, 0.0), (0.0, 2.0, 0.0)]
embankment_coordinates = [(0.0, 2.0, 0.0), (3.0, 2.0, 0.0), (1.5, 3.0, 0.0), (0.75, 3.0, 0.0), (0, 3.0, 0.0)]
model.extrusion_length = 50

The geometry is shown in the figures below.

_images/embankment_1.png _images/embankment_2.png

The soil layers are then added to the model in the following way. It is important that all soil layers have a unique name.

model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(soil1_coordinates, material_soil_1, "soil_layer_1")
model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(soil2_coordinates, material_soil_2, "soil_layer_2")
model.add_soil_layer_by_coordinates(embankment_coordinates, material_embankment, "embankment_layer")

The tracks are added by specifying the origin point of the track and the direction for the extrusion that creates the rail as well as rail pads and sleepers. Important is that the origin point and the end of the track lie on geometry edges. In this tutorial, a straight track is generated parallel to the z-axis at 0.75 m distance from the x-axis, on top of the embankment. To do this, the origin point of the track is set with coordinates [0.75, 3.0, 0.0] and the extrusion is done parallel to the positive z-axis, i.e. with a direction vector of [0, 0, 1]. The length of the track is defined by the number of sleepers and their spacing. In this tutorial, 101 sleepers are placed which are connected by to the rail by 0.025m thick railpads. The sleepers are spaced 0.5m from each others which results in a 50m straight track, with part name “rail_track_1.”

origin_point = [0.75, 3.0, 0.0]
direction_vector = [0, 0, 1]
number_of_sleepers = 101
sleeper_spacing = 0.5
rail_pad_thickness = 0.025

model.generate_straight_track(sleeper_spacing, number_of_sleepers, rail_parameters,
                              sleeper_parameters, rail_pad_parameters,
                              rail_pad_thickness, origin_point,
                              direction_vector, "rail_track_1")

The UVEC model is then defined using the UvecLoad class. The train moves in positive direction from the origin, this is defined in direction=[1, 1, 1], values greater than 0 indicate positive direction, values smaller than 0 indicate negative direction. The velocity of the train is 40 m/s. The train starts moving from the origin point, which has to be located on top of the track, that includes an extra thickness of the rail-pad, as shown above in rail_pad_thickness. The wheel configuration is defined as a list of distances from the origin point to the wheels. The uvec_file parameter is the name of the python file that contains the UVEC model, this file name is relative to the input files directory or it can be an absolute path. For the sake of this tutorial, the UVEC model is copied from the benchmark tests folder to the input files directory. The uvec_function_name parameter is the name of the main function within the uvec file which starts the uvec calculation. The uvec_parameters parameter is a dictionary which contains the parameters of the UVEC model. The UVEC load is added on top of the previously defined track with the name “rail_track_1”. And the name of the load is set to “train_load”.

# copy UVEC model to input files directory
import os
from shutil import copytree

# the name of the uvec module
uvec_folder = os.path.join(uvec_module_path, "uvec_ten_dof_vehicle_2D")
# create input files directory, since it might not have been created yet
os.makedirs(input_files_dir, exist_ok=True)
# copy uvec module to input files directory
copytree(uvec_folder, os.path.join(input_files_dir, "uvec_ten_dof_vehicle_2D"), dirs_exist_ok=True)

A schematisation of the UVEC model as defined in this tutorial, is shown below.


Below the uvec parameters are defined.

# define uvec parameters
uvec_parameters = {"n_carts": 1, # number of carts [-]
                   "cart_inertia": (1128.8e3) / 2, # inertia of the cart [kgm2]
                   "cart_mass": (50e3) / 2, # mass of the cart [kg]
                   "cart_stiffness": 2708e3, # stiffness between the cart and bogies [N/m]
                   "cart_damping": 64e3, # damping coefficient between the cart and bogies [Ns/m]
                   "bogie_distances": [-9.95, 9.95], # distances of the bogies from the centre of the cart [m]
                   "bogie_inertia": (0.31e3) / 2, # inertia of the bogie [kgm2]
                   "bogie_mass": (6e3) / 2, # mass of the bogie [kg]
                   "wheel_distances": [-1.25, 1.25], # distances of the wheels from the centre of the bogie [m]
                   "wheel_mass": 1.5e3, # mass of the wheel [kg]
                   "wheel_stiffness": 4800e3, # stiffness between the wheel and the bogie [N/m]
                   "wheel_damping": 0.25e3, # damping coefficient between the wheel and the bogie [Ns/m]
                   "gravity_axis": 1, # axis on which gravity works [x =0, y = 1, z = 2]
                   "contact_coefficient": 9.1e-7, # Hertzian contact coefficient between the wheel and the rail [N/m]
                   "contact_power": 1.0, # Hertzian contact power between the wheel and the rail [-]
                   "initialisation_steps": 20, # number of time steps on which the gravity on the UVEC is
                                                # gradually increased [-]

# define the UVEC load
uvec_load = UvecLoad(direction=[1, 1, 1], velocity=40, origin=[0.75, 3+rail_pad_thickness, 5],
                     wheel_configuration=[0.0, 2.5, 19.9, 22.4],
                     uvec_file=r"uvec_ten_dof_vehicle_2D/", uvec_function_name="uvec",

# add the load on the tracks
model.add_load_on_line_model_part("rail_track_1", uvec_load, "train_load")

Additionally, a random field can be generated for one of the defined model part. The random field is generated by means of the RandomFieldGenerator class. Firstly, the generator object is created. In this tutorial a Gaussian model is used with 10% coefficient of variation (cov) and a scale of fluctuation of 1m in the vertical direction and 20m in the horizontal direction (anisotropy=20) without inclination (angle=0). For consistency of the random process, the seed for the random generator is fixed to 14.

Subsequently, the field parameters are generated using the ParameterFieldParameters class. In this tutorial, the random field is applied to the Young’s modulus by creating a json file that is read by Kratos Multiphysics (the FEM solver).

Finally, we add the field to the model part of interest. Here the random field is applied to the “soil_layer_2”. The mean of the property is automatically obtained from the material property already defined above (material_soil_2).

random_field_generator = RandomFieldGenerator(
    n_dim=3, cov=0.1, v_scale_fluctuation=1,
    anisotropy=[20.0], angle=[0],
    model_name="Gaussian", seed=14

field_parameters_json = ParameterFieldParameters(
# add the random field to the model
model.add_field(part_name="soil_layer_2", field_parameters=field_parameters_json)

The boundary conditions are defined on geometry ids, which are created by gmsh when making the geometry. Gmsh will assign an id to each of the points, lines, surfaces and volumes created. The geometry ids can be seen after using the show_geometry function.

This function is only used for visualisation of the geometry ids after creation of the geometry, to be able to see the geometry ids issued by gmsh, and to know which ids belong to each boundary conditions. For visualisation of surface ids, “show_surface_ids” should be set to “True”. For visualisation of line ids, “show_line_ids” and for visualisation of point ids, “show_point_ids” should be set to “True”.


Below the boundary conditions are defined. The base of the model is fixed in all directions with the name “base_fixed”. For the surfaces at the symmetry plane, roller boundary condition is applied with the name “sides_roller”. To prevent reflections from the sides of the model, absorbing boundaries are applied with virtual thickness of 40 meters. The boundary conditions are added to the model on the edge surfaces, i.e. the boundary conditions are applied to a list of surface ids (which can be visualised using: “model.show_geometry(show_surface_ids=True)”) with the corresponding surface-dimension, “2”.

no_displacement_parameters = DisplacementConstraint(active=[True, True, True],
                                                    is_fixed=[True, True, True], value=[0, 0, 0])
roller_displacement_parameters = DisplacementConstraint(active=[True, True, True],
                                                        is_fixed=[True, False, True], value=[0, 0, 0])
absorbing_boundaries_parameters = AbsorbingBoundary(absorbing_factors=[1.0, 1.0], virtual_thickness=40.0)

model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [1], no_displacement_parameters, "base_fixed")
model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [4, 10], roller_displacement_parameters, "sides_roller")
model.add_boundary_condition_by_geometry_ids(2, [2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17], absorbing_boundaries_parameters, "abs")

After which the mesh size can be set. The mesh will be generated when the Stem class is initialised.


Now that the geometry is defined, the solver settings of the model has to be set. The analysis type is set to “MECHANICAL” and the solution type is set to “DYNAMIC”. Then the start time is set to 0.0 second and the end time is set to 0.2 second, note that for the sake of this tutorial, the end time is kept low, such that the calculation does not take too long. The time step size is set to 0.001 second.Note that in this tutorial, the contact between the uvec and the rails is non-linear, therefore a small time step size is required, otherwise, the calculation will diverge. Furthermore, the reduction factor and increase factor are set to 1.0, such that the time step size is constant throughout the simulation. Displacement convergence criteria is set to 1.0e-4 for the relative tolerance and 1.0e-12 for the absolute tolerance. Newton-Raphson is used as a solving strategy. And Newmark is used for the time integration. Amgcl is used as a linear solver. Stresses are not initialised since the “stress_initialisation_type” is set to “NONE”. Other options are “StressInitialisationType.GRAVITY_LOADING” and “StressInitialisationType.K0_PROCEDURE”. Since the problem is linear elastic, the stiffness matrix is constant and the mass and damping matrices are constant, defining the matrices as constant will speed up the computation. Rayleigh damping is assumed, with a damping coefficient of 0.12 for the stiffness matrix and 0.0001 for the mass matrix.

end_time = 0.2
delta_time = 1e-03
analysis_type = AnalysisType.MECHANICAL
solution_type = SolutionType.DYNAMIC

time_integration = TimeIntegration(start_time=0.0, end_time=end_time, delta_time=delta_time,
                               reduction_factor=1, increase_factor=1, max_delta_time_factor=1000)

convergence_criterion = DisplacementConvergenceCriteria(displacement_relative_tolerance=1.0e-4,

strategy_type = NewtonRaphsonStrategy()
scheme_type = NewmarkScheme()
linear_solver_settings = Amgcl()
stress_initialisation_type = StressInitialisationType.NONE
solver_settings = SolverSettings(analysis_type=analysis_type, solution_type=solution_type,
                                 is_stiffness_matrix_constant=True, are_mass_and_damping_constant=True,
                                 strategy_type=strategy_type, scheme=scheme_type,
                                 linear_solver_settings=linear_solver_settings, rayleigh_k=0.12,

Now the problem data should be set up. The problem should be given a name, in this case it is “calculate_uvec_on_embankment_with_absorbing_boundaries”. Then the solver settings are added to the problem.

# Set up problem data
problem = Problem(problem_name="calculate_uvec_on_embankment_with_absorbing_boundaries", number_of_threads=4,
model.project_parameters = problem

Before starting the calculation, it is required to specify which output is desired. In this case, displacement, velocity and acceleration are given on the nodes and written to the output files. In this test case, gauss point results are left empty.

nodal_results = [NodalOutput.DISPLACEMENT, NodalOutput.VELOCITY, NodalOutput.ACCELERATION]
gauss_point_results = []

The output process is added to the model using the Model.add_output_settings method. The results will be then written to the output directory in vtk format. In this case, the output interval is set to 1 and the output control type is set to “step”, meaning that the results will be written every time step.


Additionally, nodal output can be retrieved on given coordinates, however it is required that these coordinates are placed on an existing surface within the model. For this tutorial, output is given on a few points perpendicular to the track. The results will be stored in a json file in the output folder. For json output it is required that the output interval is defined in seconds. In order to output data at each time step, a slightly smaller time interval than the calculation time step delta_time is required.

desired_output_points = [
(0.0, 3.0, 25.0), (0.75, 3.0, 25.0), (1.5, 3.0, 25.0),
(3, 2.0, 25.0), (4, 2.0, 25.0),
(5, 2.0, 25.0)


When adding output settings by coordinates, the geometry is altered. The new geometry can again be visualised by calling the Model.show_geometry method.


Now that the model is set up, the calculation is almost ready to be run.

Firstly the Stem class is initialised, with the model and the directory where the input files will be written to. While initialising the Stem class, the mesh will be generated.

stem = Stem(model, input_files_dir)

The Kratos input files are then written. The project settings and output definitions are written to ProjectParameters_stage_1.json file. The mesh is written to the .mdpa file and the material parameters are written to the MaterialParameters_stage_1.json file. All of the input files are then written to the input files directory.


The calculation is then ran by calling the run_calculation function within the stem class.
